Time is ruthless and unfeeling, refusal to succumb to one's pleas and wishes, moving along, unrestrained, like water flowing from high to low grounds.
Willing it to come to a standstill but to no avail.
Should one pick up pace in everything that one does so as to make the fullest out of the limited time? Or should one retain one's own pace to appreciate every single act one does in the limited time?
Even life and death and bound together by time. Every step one takes one moves closer to the end of one's life. Life's depleting by the second.
So why not just let the night come. Let us all take refuge in the darkness, away from the cold, harsh light. Let us all die inevitably from the lack of sunlight. Let this world perish and life in the universe extinguish.
That way your existence would also be unnecessary And we can all finally rest in peace.