aww. i hate this week! its my bday week. but i've got like 4 assignments due next week, 3 on mon.
darn. who the heck would wanna do their assignments! club plss!
yup, instead of doing my work, im utubing. again.
i love neyo's voice. not so much the rap. itdoesn'thelpwhenu'reinmyhead.
scattered petals of bloodroses ; 12:16 AM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
callmeyoursugar sugar.
scattered petals of bloodroses ; 11:13 PM
not blogging today. jus music.
scattered petals of bloodroses ; 12:01 AM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
some say life is a tragedy. my theatre teacher once said, in the past, people used to classify actors into the tragic or comic catagory, according to the style of their acting. mayb we're jus actors of our own life. mayb our lives can be classified as a tragedy or a comedy. mayb i dun even know what i'm talking about,
then wat's reality n wat isn't?
some say "we live to die." every passing minute n we're closer to death.
so either u tink positively, at least u've got the chance to live. or pessimistically, wats the point of living when u die in the end. or even, if u live to suffer, aren't we better off dead?
y do u try to understand everything? whether it is black or white or grey or watever, it is going to remain the way it is. it is stil going to happen anw.