hAha !! iM bAck aFtEr asUpEr LoNg 'bReAk'.. hAha.. eR.. aCtuaLLy, tO sAy the tRuTh, iM feeLiNgguiLtyfOr nOtuPdAtiNg mY bLoGfOr suCh a LoNg tiMe ! eR..=p
hMmm.. coMmeNts oN mY pReviOus bLoG eNtrY !! hAha.. iT LoOks LiKeraiNboWdoTs!!oOoohh sO yuMmy !!=p hAha..cHoCoLatEwOuLd bE bEtTer !oOh mY.. sO deLiciOuS~hAha.. iM cRaviNg fOrcHocSaGain... aRgh...
:) LiFe's bEen iN a toTaLcoNtRadictiOn.. sOmetiMes iT tuRns oUt tO bEfuLL oF jOy, hAha,, eSpeciaLLy wHen iMhiGhaNd wHen iTsfRidAy!!!!yAyYYyyyy..... bUt sOmetiMes iT moVes sOoooo fAst, u hAdnt' hAd tiMe tO tuRn bAck oR tO eVen tAke a bReak.. iT juSt moVes oN..heArtLeSs aNd eMotioNLeSs.. aRgh.. iTs onLy aFteR eXpeRienCiNg jC LiFe, tHat I rEaLiSed hOwtEdioUstHis rouTe tuRneD oUt tO bE.. i swEar.. tiMe pAssEs sO dAmn fAst aNd sOon oNe wEek iS gOne, tHen, thE oTheR, thEn, a mOntH aNd mAnY mThs aNd noW haLf a yEar hAvE gOne PaSs.. sOmetiMes, i rEaLLy woNdeR iF i hAd LoSt aLL mYeMotiOnsaNd juSt hAve tO livE LiFe tHe wAy iT goeS ?? iTs a pUshiNg fOrCe tHat pUsheS u sO fAst, u faLL aNd u gEt uP aGain, faLL aND gEt uP aGain..rEpEtiTion oF faLLinG aND gEtTiNg up.. tiLL uLosE tRackoF uR LiFe.. iT bEcoMEs abOriNg cHorE.. duNno wAt tHe heLL uR doiNg.. aRgh.. wAts wrOng wiF mE ???? nAh.. dUn woRry, iM fiNe.. hAha.. toLd u i'Ve LoSt mY fEeLiNgs.. goTten uSed tO iT aLrEady.. juStcoMpLain, cRapaNdtRaSh eVerytHing ouTaNd iT wiLL bE fiNe !! hAha.. tHe wAy i'LL aLwAys bE-HaPpy aNd onLy hApPy- !! :)
wAt i wAnNa sAy ??? oHhh.. mY bUnCh oF Jc fRieNds aRecOoL,oUtgoiNgaNdeXcitiNgpEopLe.. mY fRienDs tUrNtOtaL boRedoMtO aWorLd oF LaughTer aNd joKes!aCtuaLLy, iTs niCe iN a LoT oF wAys.. pEopLe aLwAys tHink tHat Jc sTudENts aRe pEopLe wHo aResTuck-uP,nErDsoR pEopLe wHo aReeXtrAoRdinAryLy(eR.. iS tHerE sUch woRd?)cLeVer.. bUt uRtoTaLLy wRoNg!! i cnO diFfeRence bEtWeEn jC, poLy, iTe oR anY oTher iNstiTutiOns aVaiLabLe.. i C pEopLe wHo sELectiVeLy cHoOse tHe rOuTe wHicH tHey pReFer tHe bEst aNd eXceL iN tHem, tHe wAy thEy wAn iT tO bE..nO diFf, pEopLe!! tRust mE.. jC sTudenTs aRe duMb tOo.. hAha.. oNe cLaSsiC eXampLe : mE. eRm.. oR iS iT onLymE, tHe dumB onE??? hAha.. i'Ve bEen faiLiNg aLmoSt eVerytHing i guEss. nVm.. iT uSed tO be sO dEpResSing.. buT aFteR eXperiEnciNg iT sO mANy tiMes, i'Ve gOtTen uSed tO iT.. frOm aLwAys pAsSing tO kEeP faiLing iStoTaLLy eMotiOnaLLy uPseTtiNg. aRgh.. i LoSt tHe woRd tO deScRibE it.. nVm.. cHeErS !!LiFe sTiL goEs oNaNdLIFE iS BEAUTIFUL!! :D
sOmEtiMes, i'LL siT iN tHe sCh cAntEen aNdsTone.. sOmetiMEs, i'LL tHinK oF tHe pAst.. mYsEc sCh aNd EvErytHing.. aLL tHe tEaChers wHodOtE oN uSaNd sUch.. aLL tHat hAd gOnE pAsS iN juSt a fLasH, tHat thEy aLL hAd bEen rEduCed fRom tHeStaTe oF rEaLitYtOmEmoRy.. tHiNgs aRe sOsTrAnge.. i wOnDer wHat aM i liVing mY LiFe fOr.. iM LiVing tHE dAy aS iT pAss.. i dUn hAve aNy pLans iN miNd oR aNytHing.. i jUst kNow, i muZ fiNish mY eDucation aNd dO weLL.. tHats iT.. iT coMpLeTeLy rEduCed tHe wiDe rangE oF imaGinAtion tOtRaditoNaLLy tHe sAfeSt roUteon eArtH :eDucatioN, u cAn't gO wRong wiTh tHat.. weLL.. nVm..mAke tHe bEst oUt oF iT tHen..
oH ya.. aS i wAs sAyiNg.. i'LL tHink bOut tHe pAst (sEc sCh DaYs).. mY fRieNds aNd tEachErs pLay suCh amAjor roLe iN mY LiFe, oTher tHan mYfAmiLy.. soMetimeS, iM rEaLLy aFraiD i'LL gRaduaLLyLoSe coNtActwiF u guYs aNd nV eVer sEeiNg u aLL aGain.. i duN wAn tHat tO haPpEn.. i kNow iT maY souNd fUnNy.. bUt u gUys aRe suChgrEat pEopLetHat i'LLnV rEgRet kNowing..soMetiMes whEn i sAy ireaLLy miSs u gUys, i mEan iT,tRuLLy riGht fRom tHe hEart.. every siNgLe tHing i Say.. i duN wAn tHis fRienDshiP tObreaK aWayiNtO piEcEs..aNd i kNow tHat iTs noRmaL tO haVe nEw pEopLecoMiNg iNtO oUr LiFe aNd pErhaPs rEpLaciNg oUr pLaCes eVen.. bUt iTs oK.. cOz kNowinG tHat u guyS aRe aPaRt oF mY LiFeanD tHat u aLL wiLL sTiL bE, iS mYsOuRce oF eNcouRagemeNt! tHanks sO muCh fOreVeryThingu aLL hAve giVen mE.. aNd iLoVe mY fRiEnds LikE cRaZy, bE iT fRomsEc sChoR fRoM jCoRaNythiNg. tHanks !LiFe's bEaUtiFuL bEcoZ oF u gUys ! :) :)
hMm.. aM i vEryeMotioNaL.. hAha.. i duNno.. mAyb tHere's sO muCh tO sAy.. aNd iM tRyiNg tO gEt iT aLL ouT iN a sHort tiMetHat iT soUndEdwEirD aNd fuNny.. hAha.. i duNnO.. hAha..sTaY haPpy, tHe wAy wE aLwAys aRe.. duN dENy uRseLf oF uR riGhts tO bE haPpy.. aRghh.. aLriGht.. nOnsEnsE coMiNg oUt oF mY mouTH aLrEady !! k ! bYe ! :)