yEa yeA !! hEaRinG hELeNa agAin !! Luv tHat soNg sOoOOooooooo muCh.. hEezZ..
hMm.. tHereS LoTs oF tEsts tHis wEek !! sTudY tiLL tHe poiNt oF faiNtiNg.. hAha.. eXagGerAtiNg .. bUt aM tiRed !!! oN moNdAy, tHerE's mAths tEst.. wEd, cHemiStrY (mCq) aNd bioLoGy.. tHuRs, cHem (sEctioN A aNd B) aNd eNg coMpo tEsT ?? eR.. noT suRe iS it a tEst aNot.. hEez.. buT iTs aLL oVeR !!! yeAaaaa....
wELL.. pRepaRiNg fOr miD-auTumn fEstiVaL.. wE're siNginG ! hAha.. miXed fEeLinGs ! eXcitEd aNd sCaRed.. hEhe.. bUt.... nEed tO mEmoRizE thOse lYricS .. iF onLi iTs in eNg.. lUV eNg !!!! hAha...
siCk, sicK, siCk... mUz wAke uP eArLy toMorRow... duN LikE iT !!! oK.. oFficiaLLy aNnouNce tHAt i aM a piG !! i rEaLLy nEed tO sLeep tiLL Late aFtErnoOn !! hAha.. iF noT, i wUn fEeL goOd.. haAH..wAnNa LazE aRouNd !!! i wAn, I waN !!
hMm.. soMethiNg iS wRong wiF mY coM.. eVerytiMe i Go tO mSn, iT wiLL haNg......... sO tHosE wHo wEre cHAttiNg wiF mE aNd i suDdEnLy i wEnt oFfLine, mY siNcEre aPoLogies ..
weLL.. i guEss iM goiNg oFf noW.. hEeZ.. bYYYYYYYYEeeeeee.......................................
scattered petals of bloodroses ; 9:01 AM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
hMm.. haD mY eNgLisH oRaLs yeSteRdaY.. iTs bAdLy doNe.. i KnoW.. aRgh.. y iS iT LikE tHat ?? i jUz hoPe tHat iM tiNkinG tOo mucH.. rEaLi.. iM jUz hoPing tO do wELL iN 'o' LvLs..
sOmethinG iS buGginG mE.. ahHHhHhhhHHhh... heLp mE gEt riD oF tHat fEeLing..
i dUn wAnNa c hEr !! i dUn wAnNa c hEr................. y cAnT sHe juSt go ???????????
im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish. im so selfish................
so sorry if i hurt u in anyway. im so sorry. if only u know wat i mean..
scattered petals of bloodroses ; 6:01 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
hMm.. wRitiNg bLog tiMe !! wEe ~ gOt mY haiR doNe aLreAdy ! eR.. wELL.. iTs doNe LOnG tiMe aGo.. juZ tHat i hAdn't wRote iT heRe yeT.. mAny sAid iT iS uGLy !! hAha.. onLi bEn sAid itS niCe !! hEeZz.. hoPe hiS noT sAyiNg tO maKe mE haPpy.. bUt aNywAy, im qUitE haPpy wiF it !! hEhe.. i fEeL tHat iT iS sPeciAL .. weLL.. tHats eNouGh tO maKe mE pLeaSed !!
wEnt tO buY mY sPeCts LaSt wEeK.. hAha.. nOw !! tiMe foR suPer maKeoVer.. hAha.. i'm duMb iSn't iT ?? iTs Like tRanSLucEnt bRown.. wOo.. niCe !!!
My fRenZ aNd I weNt tO "cELebRatE NaTioNaL dAy" oN MondAy. hAha.. wEnt tO sTay oVerniGht oUtsiDe..wEnt siNginG aNd wE goT sO eXcitEd aNd "hiGh".. hAha.. We wAtcHeD tHe fiReworKs tOo wHiLe haVinG a LitTLe piCniC.. eR.. bReaD, tHaTs aLL.. hAha.. dEn, wE enDed uP not kNowinG whEre tO go.. bOred.. aNd sOon, i gOt sLeePy aNd wAs aLreAdy tRyinG hArd tO oPen mY eYes.. wEiLing bRougHt hEr sPeaKer aNd sO wE ListeNed tO sOme muSic.. wEnt oUtsiDe eSpLanaDe.. sAt tHeRe .. sToninG.. iM so rELuctAnt tO movE.. hAha.. sAw tHe woRds " i WaS heRe" .. aNd tHe biG, rEd "40" in tHe miDdLe.. aND wE wEnt tO liE on tOp oF iT.. feLt LikE tHe soNg "nOboDy's hoMe" bY aVriL LavigNe.. hAha.. sTraNded oN tHe iSLand oF 40.. hAha.. dEn i goT tirEd aNd sOon.. dRifteD oF inTo sLumbErLand.. wHen i woKe up, i guEss iT wAs 4 pLus in tHe moRning.. wEi Ling acTuaLLy sTayeD aWake tHru tHe moRning.. wOah.. hAha.. tHen i chaTtEd wiF heR .. aT tHe pOint oF tiMe in tHE moRning.. oOoHhh.. sO niCe !!!! iT wAs coOLiNg.. hAha.. gAtheRed mY jaCket cLose aNd huggEd mY LeGs aNd rEsted My hEad oN mY knEes.. lUv tHat fEeLing.. iT wAs sO siLent aNd pLeAsAnt.. nO sHouTing.. nOboDy.. eVery sOund wAs aMpLifieD dUe tO thE siLence oF tHe niGht.. tHE sOuNd oF naTure.. iT rEaLLy fEeLs niCe .. Luv iT !!
aCtuaLLy.. wAs wAitiNg foR mSg.. bUt gOt tirEd oF wAitinG aLreaDy.. sOoo.. wEnt hoMe iN tHe aFtErnOoN, tOok a niCE, wArm bAth aNd nexT thinG i knOw, i wAs aLrEady oN mY coMfortabLe bEd, sLeePiNg soUndLy..
scattered petals of bloodroses ; 6:48 AM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
hMm.. uNabLe tO eXprEsS mY fEeLinGs.. sTruCkeD doWn..
hAd a dReAm oF somEboDy.. tHat dReam wAs reaLLy vEry sWeEt.. rEaLLy.. sO coNvinCing aNd rEaL.. iTs sO rEaL tHat i woKe uP thiNkinG tHat iT rEaLLy haPpEneD .. eR.. duN haV tO gO thRu tHosE dEtaiLs oF tHe dReaM i guEsS.. iTs sPeciaL,uNiquE aNd pErsoNaL.. onLy a LitTLe dEtaiLs.. iN mY dReaMz, tHat pErsoN heLd mE cLosE.. iTs rEaLLy wArm aNd soOthiNg.. feLt sO sAfe, sEcuRed aNd pRotEctEd.. i aM stiL aBLe tO fEeL tHat fEeLiNg.. iTs rEaLLy aMaziNg.. iTs rEaLLy sO sWeEt tHat i WokE uP aNd pOndErEd foR a mOmeNt oR tWO bEfoRe rEaLisiNg tHat iTs aLL juSt a dReaM aNd aLL tHat hAd haPpeNeD wAsn'T rEaL aFtEr aLL.. aNd rEgrEtteD tHat tHe dReaM eNdeD tOo eArLy.. i WanTed iT tO gO oN.. tHen, i gOt pRepaRed ANd wAsHeD up.. aNd wHen i LoOkeD mY hP, guEsS wHat.. tHat peRson maSsAgEd me.. cAn u bELieVe iT ? wE haVen bEeN iN coNtAct foR probabLy soMe tiMe aNd coiNcidEtaLLy hE mSgEd mE tHat sAme niGHt.. mY pHoNe wAsn't iN mY roOm, sO hoW wouLd i KoE tHat hE haD msGeD aNd tHat i haD dReaMt aBout hiM ?? i bRokE doWn aT tHaT vEry moMent.. i gUesSed iM juZ tOo shocKeD.. reALi..
bUt... iTs aFFecTinG mE moRe tHan iT rEaLLy sHouLd.. tHe dReaM iS sO sWeEt.. hoWeVa, reALitY dEsTroYeD tHaT sWeEtnEsS aNd coNvErtEd iT tO oVerWheLmiNg sAdnEsS..
baCk tO rEaLitY... gOt sTuCkeD iN tHE LiFt toDaE.. kiNdA fRightENeD.. but My LiFe wAs aLrEaDy haVinG pRobLems.. aNd My bRo goT sTucKed iN theRe fOr 2 tiMes aLreAdy .. i wAs LuCky tO hAve My siS bY mY sidE .. aNd tHe foRtuNaTe tHing iS tHat i onLy goT sTuckeD tHere fOr aBouT 5 mins.. aNd goT ouT aFtEr tHat.. hEez.. sTiL in tiMe tO gEt tO sCh ..
oK.. sTiL bRooDinG boUt tHaT dReam.. i duN tinK i'll fOrgeT iT aT aLL.. iF onLi i gEt tO forGet tHat niCe huG wHich iS tHe moSt meMorAbLe oF aLL..